Friday, June 8, 2018

KOMBUCHA - Just starting out


I am a type 2 Diabetic with Gastroparesis (which is, in my case, a partial paralysis of the stomach). The Gastroparesis is irreversible, yet fortunately my digestion issues, which can be very painful and debilitating at times, can be helped along with proper diet and nutrition.  This is how I found Kombucha. So far, so good, I love what Kombucha is doing for me, not only in gut health, but with energy. An added bonus, is that I love the taste! 

(this is a picture of my homebrewed Blueberry Kombucha that I sipped on this morning)

There are lots of definitions on the internet, but in a nutshell, it is a fermented black and/or green tea that uses a SCOBY: symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (that mushroom-looking thing).

(a new baby Scoby)

It is so good for you!
Because it’s naturally fermented with a living colony of bacteria and yeast, Kombucha is a probiotic beverage. It has a myriad of benefits such as improved digestion, fighting candida (harmful yeast) overgrowth, mental clarity, and mood stability.

Plain Kombucha tastes like fizzy apple soda with a slightly sour tang. You can flavor your Kombucha in a second fermentation process with fruits, juices and/or herbs.
My first taste, I puckered my lips.  But it grew on the time I was done with my first bottle, I realized that I had really enjoyed it, even more so than Coca Cola, my favorite pop.  It didn't give the sugar rush and downfall of Coke either.

Because it is pricey at the grocery stores - about $4 per 16oz. bottle.
You can make it for pennies at home and it's very easy.


1.  A Scoby and Starter Tea
 These can be purchased off of the internet, but you may want to search your local area for any Kombucha Brewers.  I found a sweet lady selling the Scoby and Starter Tea at our Farmer's Market. Or you might be able to find a friend who will give you one!

(this is a Scoby and Starter tea that I gave to my good friend, Lori, to start her own brew)

2.  A Glass Gallon Jar
I now have two Kombucha brews going, so I use a glass cookie jar that I already had, and I bought a gallon Ball jar at Walmart.

3.  Eight Black and/or Green Tea Bags (no flavors!)
I recommend starting with only black tea bags until you are used to brewing Kombucha, then you can experiment by adding in green tea.
Never, ever, use flavored teas for your first fermentation process!

(I cut off the paper tags, and tie the tea bags together)

4.  Organic Cane Sugar
(Don't worry about the sugar content, the scoby eats it!)

5.  Glass Bottles with Tight Fitting Lids
I recommend using bottles specifically for brewing Kombucha or Beer. We purchased wide mouth (for adding fruit pieces) and swing top glass bottles with smaller necks (for adding juice).  We purchased both of these through Amazon.  You can also use Ball or Mason jars, but sometimes they let the carbonation slip out. 

6.  A Stainless Steel or Glass Pot for Boiling Water

7.  Tight Woven Cotton Cloth to Cover your Gallon Container
I just cut up an old pillow case.

8. A Large Rubber Band


A. Make sure all of the supplies are very clean
Do NOT use anti-bacterial soap, this will kill the good bacteria and yeast.
Simply wash supplies in regular dish soap and then rinse out the bottles and jars with boiling water.
You do not want any dirt or other particles infecting your brew.

B.  Bring 7 cups of filtered or distilled water in the stainless steel or glass pot to a boil.
Remove from heat, stir in the 1 cup of organic cane sugar and place the 8 tea bags in to steep for 15 minutes.  Then take out the tea bags.


 C.  Pour in an additional 7 cups of filtered or distilled water to cool down the hot mixture.  Let set aside until it reaches room temperature.
*Note: The Scoby must have a food source, which is the organic sugar in the first fermentation, and fruit or fruit juice in the second.  The Kombucha will have very little sugar in it after the first and second fermentations.

D.  After the tea has cooled down to room temperature, carefully pour it into the glass gallon jar.

E. Pour in your Scoby and the 1 to 2 cups of starter tea.
(the Scoby will either float, sink to the bottom or somewhere in-between, all are just fine)

E.  Cover your jar top with the cotton cloth and secure with a rubber band.
(The Kombucha needs air, but we want to keep fruit flies and other contaminants away)

F.  Somehow label the date on your Kombucha Jar
You may think that you can remember the date, but life happens, and its better to be safe than sorry.

G.  Set in a warm area of your house where it will be undisturbed.

H.  After seven days check your Kombucha:
1.  Your Mama Scoby (original scoby) should be producing a baby on top of itself, that will expand to the diameter of your jar
(Yes, it looks like an alien, lol, but this is normal! Each Scoby can have different features.)

(Don't freak out if your Scoby mama and baby are freaky looking, most likely it's a normal and healthy Scoby.  Yeast and good bacteria should be growing.  If you have questions if what you see is normal, please google it and/or check youtube videos.  Most likely though, if it isn't fuzzy, then it's fine).
2.  Check the taste of your Kombucha by pushing a clean straw (again, make sure it wasn't washed with anti-bacterial soap) off of the side of the scobies, down into the liquid.  Plug your finger over the straw to trap some liquid (about and 1 to 2 inches), take it out and drink it.  
a.  It should be tangy and have a slight "zing" to it, possibly even some fizziness. 
b.  At this stage it could still be slightly sweet, or not sweet at all.

3.  Your Kombucha is ready for the 2nd Fermentation if:
    a.  The baby Scoby is fully formed across the diameter of the jar.
b.  The Kombucha does NOT taste sweet
Other changes that might occur: the liquid is lighter in color as it was when you first brewed the tea; there may be floaties in the tea (that's a good thing, nothing to worry about).

4.  If your Kombucha is not ready, that's fine, mine usually isn't until after day 10, and can take as long as 30 days to ferment.  A lot of the timing depends on the temperature in the spot you're keeping the Kombucha.  Note that it will most likely take longer in wintertime.   


A. Wash your hands with soap that is not anti-bacterial, rinse and dry well.

 B.  Gather your supplies: and make sure they are very clean
a medium sized glass bowl
something to dip with (measuring cup or soup ladle)
plastic funnel

C. Gather your flavoring ingredients of choice
fruit (fresh or if using frozen, defrosted)
organic fruit juice
herb or flavored tea, already brewed and cooled

D.  Reach in with clean hands and remove all the Scobies and place it into the glass bowl and then dip out 1 to 2 cups of tea.  Set aside to start a new batch later.

(look how this mama Scoby produced a baby the same size!)

E.  Add 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup of fruit or juice to each bottle
*Remember if using cut up fruit, to use a wide mouth bottle, otherwise it may be hard to get out later.
I suggest starting out with one to two flavors per bottle.  Through experiment, I have noticed that we like the flavor and zing of adding a 1"x 1/4" x 1/4" of ginger to each  bottle in addition to it's main fruit.  Remember which fruits you add so you can label the bottles later.

E.  Using the funnel, carefully fill each bottle, until an inch to 1 1/2 inches remain.

F.  Seal each bottle tightly and label the flavors (and the date)

G. Set the bottles aside in a warm place to ferment for 3 to 7 days.
I put mine in a cooler with the lid on due to the bottles, if over carbonation occurs, can explode.  This will contain the mess.  I haven't had this happen, but others have.  

H.  Now you need to use your Scobies in the bowl, to make another batch of Kombucha in the jar that you just emptied.  Just Go back up to the "DIRECTIONS TO FIRST FERMENTATION"!


A. After three days, open one of the bottles over the sink (trust me on this)
If it bubbles up wildly, it's ready!  If not, no worries, just check everyday until it is.

B.  As soon as one is ready, I assume all of the same batch are.  It is very important to refrigerate them at this point, to stop fermentation.  Otherwise they will continue to grow more sour and carbonated and will explode.  

C.  I recommend waiting until they are chilled, popping one open and pour over ice. 


I've only been drinking Kombucha for about a month.  I already "feel" so much better!  My stomach and digestive system has not given me any problems since I started.  I don't feel like taking naps anymore. Another added benefit: I've been able to quit coffee.  Not that I was trying to, just that with drinking Kombucha (as well as juicing vegetable and fruit drinks), I just don't crave coffee anymore. Which is good, because, although plain black coffee is actually good for you in moderation, I had to drink my coffee with a non-dairy, Caramel Macchiato creamer which was "so" not good for me, yet tasted great.  So I was putting a whole lot of chemically processed "yuck" in my body every morning. In the past three years, I have only been allowing myself a soda pop (Coke or Rootbeer) about every two to three months.  Yet everytime I would have it, I later felt terrible.  I no longer crave pop, I guess the tartness and the carbonation of the Kombucha has curbed that.  I also feel fuller if I drink Kombucha before a meal, therefore I eat less.  Overall I give Kombucha 5 stars!


Thursday, March 2, 2017



Total Cost: $8

Total Cost: $12

Most Dollar Tree Stores carry faux SUCCULENTS in the Spring.
Each individual succulents plant is only $1. I find they're very good quality.
Grab them while you can, as these plants go quickly!

I will demonstrate how I made the arrangement in the wooden bowl.
I made this to be temporary so we can reuse the bowl and plants for other arrangements

Supplies from The Dollar Tree:
 2 packs of styrofoam circles (each pack contains 2)
1 bag of rocks
(I chose 5 for this arrangement, yet you can choose more or less, depending on the size)
 Other Supplies:
container of your choice
craft scissors
E6000 or hot glue (optional)
aluminum foil (optional)
Marbles or other decorative small items

Start by placing your Styrofoam circles in the container.
I used 3 individual circles, stacked on top of each other.
You can cut them to fit the container if need be.

Center your tallest or largest succulent of choice, and poke it straight down.

(If it is too tall, you can trim the stem with craft scissors)

Some of the succulents come in pots, simply pull them out and wipe off the Styrofoam.

Arrange the plants around the center piece until you come up with a look you are happy with,
then insert each into the Styrofoam.

If they wiggle around, you can use a dot of E6000 or hot glue on the stem to secure.

If you have excess space around the pot, you can crumple or roll Aluminum Foil as a filler.

Now fill in the top with rocks or gravel, place a few marbles for extra detail.
Your finished!

For this arrangement, I used an old strawberry pot that was sitting in our garage.
I used the same instructions as the wooden bowl,
except I used moss as a filler instead of rocks,
as the space was tighter.
I used small Styrofoam balls, cut in half for each opening on the side.
I hot glued the side succulent stems into the foam .

I hope you are able to find faux succulents in your area
and try this inexpensive, yet rich looking craft.


Monday, February 27, 2017


$5 DIY
This mirror would make a great homemade gift for someone special!

Supplies available from the Dollar Tree:
1 foam core board
1-5" round mirror
3 bags of plastic spoons (each bag contains 48)
Other supplies:
hot glue gun and glue sticks
craft scissors
craft or box knife
2 pencils

Cut a slice off of the foam core about an inch wide.
Using a pencil punch holes about an inch apart (the last measuring 6" from the first)
(as shown above)
Using a pencil in the last hole, punch it into the foam core (this will be the center)
Hold this pencil still,
using a second pencil, insert into a hole and draw a line, pivoting around the center,
creating a circle. Do this is all the holes.
The outer circle will measure 6" radius, or 12" diameter.
Cut out the circle, using a craft or box knife.

I drew in lines from the center point out, for guidelines.
Cut out a small triangle about 1/2" away from the edge, for hanging.

Now comes the tedious part of breaking the spoon heads off of the handles.
I tried several ways to do this.
The best, for me, is to place the spoon on a table, with the spoon head hanging off the edge,
holding your hand on top of the handle, bend the spoon head down with the other palm,
this will snap it off.
Some spoons broke off crooked, but if it's not too bad, you can still use them.
If any of the handle is still attached, you can use craft scissors to trim them.

Now we will begin by gluing the first layer of spoons onto the back of the mirror.
Draw a line around the back of the mirror, about 1/4 " from the edge,
it doesn't need to be perfect. We will use this as a guide to glue the spoons.
Prop the mirror (wrong side up) on an upturned glass or plastic bowl.
Squirt a generous line of hot glue along the pencil line on the mirror, about 3" around.
Now place the cut edge of a spoon (facing down) on the hot glue line
holding in place for about 5 seconds.
Now continue with the next spoon, adding more of the hot glue line as needed.
You should get 14 to 15 spoon heads around the mirror, depending on how
close to the edge you glue them.
(As you are getting ready to glue on the last 3-4 spoons,
if it looks like you will be leaving a large gap, just leave slightly more room
between these spoons)

After the first row is finished, place a generous line of hot glue around the highest point
of the spoons on the back of the mirror....
turn over, and carefully "center" it on the foam core circle.

Now we will begin gluing each spoon onto the foam core, one row at a time.
Place a nice dot of hot glue on the back of a spoon head (as shown above)

...and place it "in between" two spoons from the first row, holding in place about 5 seconds.
The spoon will be at a slight angle.

Repeat with each spoon and each row.

After you are finished - it should look like the picture above.
It looks beautiful white, but if you would like to spray paint it another color:
Cover the mirror with foil, conforming to the mirror,
or you can use painter's tape.
Spray several light coats (following the manufacture's directions)
with a paint that is made for plastic.

This one is painted an aqua blue
but lavender, red, orange, yellow, pink, silver or gold
would be beautiful too.



Hope you enjoy this fun, decorative craft.

Keep Calm and Kerri On!

Monday, February 20, 2017

DIY Dollar Tree Easter Topiary

This is a VERY EASY Do-It-Yourself Easter Topiary

All but the Styrofoam cone was purchased at my local Dollar Tree:
2 bags of mini Easter eggs (comes in either plastic gold glitter-as above, or glitter Styrofoam)
1 bag of large Easter eggs on sticks (we just use one for this project)
a two pack of 3" terra cotta pots (using only one)
1 bag of Moss
1 roll of brown burlap ribbon
Total Dollar Tree Cost: $6

a two pack of 3" diameter Styrofoam cones was purchased from Walmart
(although sometimes Dollar Tree will carry these)
Total Walmart Cost: $4

Other Supplies, that I had on hand:
hot glue gun and glue sticks
chopsticks or a dull pencil (to keep your fingers from getting burned!)

Start by hot gluing your cone into the terra cotta pot.
(the cone measured just slightly smaller than 3", so it fit down "into" the pot)

I was so involved in crafting, I forgot to take pictures along the way - sorry!
Start by trimming the stick on the large egg to about 4 inches,
then insert it into the top of the cone, no need to glue.

Then carefully apply a hot glue dot to a small egg and hold in place for a few seconds,
starting at the bottom of the cone.
Continue attaching eggs, spacing 1/4" to 1/2" inch around the bottom,
then moving upwards until the whole cone is filled.
(if using more than one color of egg, be sure to mix the colors randomly on the cone)

To attach the moss, squirt some hot glue into a small space between a few of the eggs,
grab a small amount of moss, pulling it slightly apart, if dense,
and laying on top of the glue - CAREFUL not to burn your fingers!
Now use a chopstick or dull pencil to push the moss into the spaces between the eggs.
Continue around the cone until completely covered.
Be sure to double check the cone, I found a few spots that needed more moss.

I dressed up the rim of my pot with some burlap.
I buy a lot of these burlap ribbon rolls at the Dollar Tree (they are great quality!)
To make the ribbon the same size as the rim, I simply fold in the edges
and put a few hot glue drops every 2" or so. Be sure to use your chopstick to hold in place.

To attach, carefully hot glue with a few drops of hot glue around the rim,
and folding under, gluing the ends over each other.

I keep saying "careful, with the hot glue" because I am still recovering
from very bad hot glue burns from last week. No fun.

Then stand back and take a look at your handy work!
It only cost $10, and could be less, if you find the Styrofoam cones at your local Dollar Tree!

REMEMBER that you can make these with any color of eggs you choose, as well as ribbon,
or even pots, as well as painting the pots to change the color.

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial!
Happy Crafting!
Keep Calm and Kerri On!